
Monday, April 8, 2013

Digital Cave Painting

I decided to continue working on this tonight, I’m still not happy with it, but I’ll take a look at it tomorrow. Nick artist program here I come!!


  1. What program are you using to do your digital art work in. I've been learning 3ds Max Design, form.Z w/Render Zone, CS5&6. Just curious, maybe we can swap out tricks of the trade. Are you using Maya at all?

  2. I've heard of most of those, but I primarily use Photoshop, I have CS6. This was originally a drawing in my sketchbook that I scanned and then colored in photoshop. I have been learning Illustrator in one of my classes right now and I have used GIMP a little, it is a free program that I have seen some amazing art come from it. I want to get into some 3D modeling, but I haven't taken the time to learn any, Zbrush , Mudbox are some of the ones that my friends use and I have Blender downloaded, but have only spent about 30 minutes in it... And Google sketchup is great for difficult perspectives, that and a trusty camera.... Hehe, that was long... one of my good friends uses Maya all the time, but I haven't had a reason to learn it yet.
